Workshops help students hone in on majors, careers


Workshops on campus are scheduled regularly to help students narrow down their future career choices. 

Identifying your major and career goal workshop is a presentation for students that is held in the Center Transfer Center in DeRicco 219.

These free workshops are happening every semester and at least 2-3 times every month at different times.

Posters and flyers are posted for sign ups, but it can also be found in the main school website under the student life tab and activities where it reads calendar and events.

Kelly Graham, a part time counselor for Delta College, presents the hour and a half workshops. She included life-time experiences as examples for students to have a more open mind in how other jobs can fall in the same category as other majors and careers. 

She touches on the four areas to identify major and career goals, which are self assessment, exploring your occupation, experience work, and planning a job search campaign. 

“Getting a clear image of what I want to do, like direction pretty much. I need more of a plan, because I know what I want to do but not sure of the specific job,” said student Tatiana Rivas.

Many students are not aware of these workshops and rely on counselors for guidance. “These workshops are available at different times and dates, flexible to your school schedule” said Graham.

Some students did not come with expectations, just wanted to check out the workshop and get more information. Counselors and teachers recommend students to attend.

The workshop included an assessment project at the end and the students were more interested in knowing what their skills were. The assessment had majors that had other jobs listed under them that shared similar skills that were relative to that major and gave a broad view of different jobs.

“It’s not a waste of time, it’s not,” said student Rafael Guerrero.

Students should have more help in what their career choice should be when choosing their classes. Counselors only help direct us to where they think we should go and what classes we should pick. 

This workshop gives students a broad view in different opportunities and majors they are able to choose to narrow down their options. 

“They should make it known to students especially freshman, just throw it out there,” Rivas said.

Dominica Castaneda, the Student Programs Assistant who organizes the workshops, has the workshops time and dates posted on the school’s website and provides the materials needed for the presentation.

She said the workshops serve as an informational source for students and come to these workshops for more help.

“I do have hopes that students come and have more information,” said Castaneda.

Other resources are available, including assessments and online job resources for students to see what kind of careers are a good fit for them. This is very helpful for students to find jobs related to their major. 

These are good tools to help students narrow down their choices in choosing their major.

While students are still encouraged to see a counselor, workshops such as these offer additional ways to explore options that counselors do not have the time to provide. This workshop could help students who have questions about their classes and career choices.

There was a lot of confusion and doubt from students before the workshop, not understanding where they will be in their careers. This workshop helped students identify their major and career choices that were related to their major.