Learning moves all online

Signs noting the instruction change greet campus visitors. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Following the lead of schools across the world Delta College has officially transferred all classes online indefinitely. 

An update posted to the college’s COVID-19 information page informed students of the change, which now includes all lab-based courses, on March 26.

“The College will extend its stay at home and remote work practice for employees, with the exception of essential operations personnel,” the statement read. “All classes, including labs, have shifted online or to other remote access. At the same time, the College is exploring options to provide students with learning opportunities for hands-on skills acquisition and career education, including early responder programs and those with external accreditation requirements (such as Nursing and Police Academy).”

The decision looks beyond the April 6 date initially stated and “extends that date indefinitely until the public health risk subsides.”

Students are now adjusting to fully online courses. 

“I went from being on campus Monday-Friday, busy with my full time classes and being vice president of the Active Minds club to being home everyday, feeling like I am in a different world,” said student Katrina Springs. 

Students are left having to keep up and reorganize themselves.

“I have made a schedule for each day. To keep ahead on school assignments, I plan out my week on Sundays,” said Springs.

Different approaches to remain motivated and organized. 

“I do have a planner system that I update every couple of weeks. I write which days I’m focusing on which subject,” said student Kaelynn North.

North said it’s been harder to focus due to the lack of an in-class educational environment. “I’ve felt the work pile up on me more,” said North. 

Some students are unbothered by the change.

“I personally think that it’s much easier having my classes online simply because of my personal schedule” said student Merline Ramirez.

With all the at-home time students have had to invest more time in other activities to pass the time.

“To keep myself feeling normal, I set my alarm for each morning and do my morning routine I am used to doing. Only change now is that since I don’t have class, I have time to exercise,” said Springs.

As a result, schools from elementary to universities have had to switch to online curriculums to not risk their faculty and students any further.

Registration is now open for summer classes. Delta College previously announced that for the most part the courses offered this summer will be online. 

Until further notice students should be preparing to continue to work from home.

Students can stay informed by visiting the page on the  Delta College website dedicated to updates about the pandemic at deltacollege.edu/coronavirus.