Anti-houseless design an exercise in cruelty
Hostile architecture, also known as defensive architecture, is architecture used as a deterrent.
Its architectural design is meant to guide the behavior of the public...
Finding a campus zen place
Stress comes with being a college student, particularly with the pressure of getting assignments in on time, not understanding assignments, or not getting the...
Coping mechanisms alleviate daily strains
Coping mechanism: “Any conscious or nonconscious adjustment or adaptation that decreases tension and anxiety in a stressful experience or situation. Modifying maladaptive coping mechanisms...
Men’s men: showing emotion not sign of weakness
Growing up if something would happen to my boy cousins as in hurting themselves while playing, I couldn’t ask them if they were okay....
Digital ease vs film aesthetics
Photography has been around since the 19th century and has evolved drastically as time went by. Film photography was introduced in 1888 while digital...
Colleges finding students through media
The benefits for colleges to be active in social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Tiktok has its advantages.
“In terms of how...
Delta needs yearbooks to preserve memories
Yearbooks are a way of remembering the school year and bonding with your peers when discussing your summer plans while signing each other’s yearbooks.
Deconstructing the angry black woman
When you look at me what do you see? A strong Black woman? A woman with a nice smile? Do I seem approachable? Appear...
Should you rate your professor?
Have you ever looked up a teacher before you took a class? Did you possibly use the popular website called RateMyProfessors.com? Why are we allowed to...
Labels for Latin American people vary
Since the founding of the United States, people of Latin American ethnicity and lineage have seen various terms and labels created for their classification.
Android owners judged for ‘green bubbles’
My first phone was a Samsung Galaxy S3, which was easily identified as an Android considering the camera was in the middle of the...
Traditional landscaping may harm biodiversity
We love our lawns to be prim and proper; Cutting our grass short, trimming bushes and trees to our desired shape, and planting flowers...
4/20 celebrated as a stoner’s holiday
It’s a day when stoners - and others - give themselves permission to get high. It’s not acknowledged as a Federal holiday, but it’s...
Screaming without sounds
‘Silent’ illness of depression creates loud echoes on body and mind
Wake up at noon. Gasp for air in a sigh of relief. Relish the first...
Why environmental education is important in today’s climate
When you are in elementary school, you learn all about the fundamentals of recycling; how to separate your papers from your plastics, what goes...
Women’s History Month deserves importance
In March, the United States celebrates women’s history for the whole month. March 8, is the day of celebration for international women’s history that...
Studies cast doubt on stigma against drugs
Drugs such as ayahuasca, MDMA (ecstasy/molly), LSD, peyote, and psilocybin (magic mushrooms) are federally illegal to buy, consume or sell in the United States.
Fierce koi of Delta more than mere fish
When walking on campus for the first time going from class to class, the koi pond is hard to miss with colorful koi swimming...
Super Bowl performance puts Black National Anthem in spotlight
When it comes to the Black National Anthem do you know the words to the song? Did you even know the song existed?
The question is a valid...
Understanding media literacy and paradox of choice
If you have ever sat down to watch a movie, but after 15 minutes of scrolling through Netflix, you still haven't made a decision,...